Holistic reproductive health is exactly what it sounds like, an exploration of all aspects of life when addressing a sexual or reproductive health issue. This includes examining health history, symptoms, eating habits, exercise, sleep, relationships, etc… under the premise that everything is interconnected and influences each other. This relationality is at the centre of how
I deliver my treatments and services, which I view as a collaboration between myself and my client.
Perhaps it is not surprising that this area of medicine has been chronically underfunded for decades, especially in regard to gynecological issues that aren’t geared toward conception or contraception. This results all too often in people suffering from chronic conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, or debilitatingly, painful periods that impact the quality of their life. Conventional medicine typically offers pharmaceutical medications or surgery. Although these options may be necessary or satisfying solutions for some, many are left craving something more. Something restorative. Someone to hear them, someone who can point them toward reliable resources or take the time to help them understand what is going on inside their body and what their options are.
The modalities I use are massage therapy, castor oil packs, vaginal steams, nutritional and herbal remedies. I am also able to interpret lab results and happy to collaborate with other healthcare professionals you may be working with
My clientele is broad. It’s multicultural, economically diverse, and consists of mostly female-identified folks in the 25 yr. – 55 yr. age range. I serve anyone from individuals who are interested in knowing more about their womb and how best to care for it, to individuals who are at their wit's end in dealing with some gynecological condition and are willing to “try anything”. I also serve people who don’t have wombs and have clients of various gender and sexual identities. The one common denominator that links all of the people I work with is a willingness to actively participate in their healing process.
I am committed to offering accessible services by providing sliding scale spots and through education and resources with the goal of collective empowerment.
Initial consultation
Om Laila Sanctuary 64 Henry st.
The initial consultation is for individuals who have a specific reproductive or digestive issue that they want to solve and are ready to commit to a treatment plan. This may include people who are looking to conceive, or have been suffering with endometriosis, painful periods, fibroids, etc… We will review your health history, any symptoms you’ve been experiencing, supplements or medications you’ve been taking, relevant lab work, diet as well as conduct a physical assessment.
We crystalize your goals and a customized treatment plan will be created & emailed to you which may include recommended tests, referrals, herbal formulas, supplements, lifestyle and diet changes, exercises, educational resources, as well as any recommended Arvigo treatment sessions if applicable.
Treatment options:
An initial consultation is 60 - 90 mins and costs $150 + HST
* I reserve a certain amount of sliding scale spaces each month to ensure that this important healing modality is accessible to people of all income levels. Contact me directly for details.
Registered Massage Therapy Services
Om Laila Sanctuary 64 Henry St.
Registered Massage Therapists in Ontario are health care providers that specialize in all types of conditions that involve muscles, ligaments & joints. This includes muscle strains, ligament sprains, carpal tunnel, sciatica, post-surgical rehabilitation, TMJ, scoliosis, pinched nerves, and tendinitis to name a few.
As a naturally curious person who appreciates life's mysteries, I enjoy using my creativity and caring heart to create customized massage sessions for all those who seek my services with the intention of having you move and feel your best.
My approach is to get your body so supple and relaxed that any tension, knots, or sticky spots melt into the abyss from which they came.
Treatment options:
An initial appointment is always at least a 60 min massage and all clients will submit an intake form via email prior to the appointment.
A 60 min massage is $125 +HST
Follow-up session options:
- 30 min massage is $80 + HST
- 45 min massage is $105 +HST
- 60 min massage is $125 +HST
- 90 min massage is $170 + HST
* I reserve a certain amount of sliding scale spaces each month to ensure that this important healing modality is accessible to people of all income levels. Contact me directly for details.
Maya Abdominal Massage
Om Laila Sanctuary 64 Henry St.
Healers in Central America have been practicing these noninvasive, hands-on manipulation techniques for thousands of years. This therapeutic massage works to eliminate the primary cause of reproductive and digestive complaints in all genders by repositioning the reproductive organs and assisting the flow of fluids and energy to nourish and repair the organs and systems naturally. Herbal and dietary education, castor oil packs and vaginal steams are complementary elements of this healing modality.
Types of conditions MAM can help with:
- Fertility challenges
- Dysmenorrhea
- Short, long and irregular menstrual cycles
- Uterine fibroids and cysts
- Uterine prolapse
- Incontinence
- Postpartum (to ensure that organs go back to their proper place)
- Colitis and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Acute or chronic indigestion
- Diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence
- Chronic weight conditions
- Low back pain
Treatment options:
The session is 90 minutes and consists of a brief assessment, the massage, and teaching you how to do self-massage at home for maintenance. A handout is included. The cost is $170 + HST
Depending upon the needs of the client, a vaginal stream may also be included in the session. In this case, the session is 120min & the cost is $200 +HST
* I reserve a certain amount of sliding scale spaces each month to ensure that this important healing modality is accessible to people of all income levels. Contact me directly for details.
Maya Prenatal Massage
Om Laila Sanctuary 64 Henry St.
The Maya prenatal massage specifically supports the needs of the pregnant body throughout gestation. It is a version of the "sobado", a special pregnancy massage traditional Mayan and Mexican midwives would perform at prenatal appointments. The blessings of this nurturing treatment are experienced both while receiving your massage and afterward. Not only does Maya prenatal massage melt away tension and relieve aching muscles, it improves circulation and digestion, removes toxins from the body, alleviates nerve compression, enhances nutrient and oxygen delivery to your baby and aligns the uterus, encouraging an optimal fetal position and hence a more efficient labour!
Note: this is not an External Cephalic Version. Maya prenatal massage positions the uterus, not the baby.
A 2010 study concluded that pregnant people who received massage throughout pregnancy decreased their chances of having a premature baby, experienced significant less pain and had on average a 3 hour shorter labour.
Maya pregnancy massage is also fantastic for individuals who are concerned with going beyond dates.
Recipients will also learn a special self-care abdominal massage routine, which they can do at home to enhance and maintain the healing. For drawing the maximum benefits of this therapy, regular sessions are recommended.
A warm and heartfelt thank you to the Maya people, whose wisdom brought forth these brilliant techniques.
Treatment options:
The session is 90 min and includes a Maya pregnancy massage, self-care routine, and handouts $170+HST
*I reserve a certain amount of sliding scale spaces each month to ensure that this important healing modality is accessible to people of all income levels. Contact me directly for details.
Labour Consultation
Om Laila Sanctuary 64 Henry st.
This session is designed for the birthing person and their partner or primary support person to enter the birthing space empowered and with confidence. Together we will review the stages of labour, explore helpful labour positions and practice hands-on pain management techniques your partner can use to help take the edge off of contractions. We will also go over how to prevent common complications, natural ways to augment labour, as well as decision-making & negotiating strategies within the birthing context. An intake form is filled out prior to the session so it can be tailored to your specific needs and desired outcomes. A follow-up handout is also emailed afterwards so you don't have to worry about forgetting any important gems. Are you ready to feel beautiful and brave?
Treatment options:
- This session is 90 mins and costs $200 + HST
*I reserve a certain amount of sliding scale spaces each month to ensure that this important healing modality is accessible to people of all income levels. Contact me directly for details.Vaginal steam
Om Laila Sanctuary 64 Henry st.
A vaginal steam is a complimentary modality used in conjunction with abdominal massage. It aids in cleansing the uterine mucous membranes when there is an accumulation of debris, which would be indicated by painful periods or dark, thick blood at the onset or end of menstruation. It is also useful postpartum, post miscarriage, right before an IUI or IVF or as part of a healing protocol for fibroids, cysts or endometriosis. In most cases, if a steam is needed, it will be an extension of the client's abdominal massage treatment. A stand-alone vaginal steam session is commonly used by clients who are doing self-care massage at home and would like steam prior to a fertility treatment
Treatment options:
- This session is 30 mins and costs $50 + HST
*I reserve a certain amount of sliding scale spaces each month to ensure that this important healing modality is accessible to people of all income levels. Contact me directly for details.Resources
Know Your Rights: Empowerment and Self-advocacy
This document is inspired by the stories I’ve heard from clients surrounding their experiences in engaging with various health care providers and has been created as an educational tool for people to better understand what their medical rights are, what types of conversations, information and treatment they should expect from their care providers, and links to meaningful resources for individuals who believe that they have been neglected, coerced, mismanaged or disrespected by their primary health care
provider. The information is as up-to-date and as Ontario and Canadian-specific as possible. It is also my hope that this document facilitates holding health care providers to account and closes the gap between what regulatory professional guidelines state is appropriate ethical behaviour versus what the public is actually experiencing.
This document is to be freely copied and shared by all who desire to do so.
Elizabeth Redmond
CPM, RMT & Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner
I am a Certified Professional Midwife who graduated from a MEAC accredited midwifery program in El Paso, Texas in 2011. Afterward, I attended births abroad in Trinidad and Tobago, Guatemala, Kiribati, and Mali to enrich my knowledge and further develop my midwifery skills.
I am a Registered Massage Therapist, and professional practitioner of Maya abdominal massage through Tul'ix Indigenous Arts (formerly known as the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®), have completed a Bellies Inc postnatal fitness certification, "Seven Waves" essential Bellydance teacher training and "Assessment and Treatment of the Young Baby" courses 1 & 2 with Judy Green.
My birth-related specialties are movement, fetal positioning, and abdominal and pelvic floor care.
I teach a monthly baby massage workshop at Oona and work at their Toronto clinic, as well as
offer massage therapy & holistic reproductive health services at the Om Laila sanctuary in Toronto where I assist people through bodywork, herbs, oils, and nutrition.
It is an honour to share my knowledge and I look forward to working with you
Ready to book an appointment? Have a question?
Write me a message below or text me at 647 465 1818 to arrange your free 15 min consultation to see if Maya abdominal massage is right for you!